Traffic Ticket Lawyer in Newburgh, NY

Newburgh Town Court
311 Route 32
Newburgh, NY 12550
The Town of Newburgh is located in the northeastern part of Orange County, New York. Newburgh is known as the “Crossroads of the Northeast” because Interstate 84 and Interstate 87, the New York State Thruway, both cross through the town. Additionally, NY Routes 17K, 32, 52 and 207, as well as US Route 9W, pass through Newburgh. If you were stopped for speeding, or any other moving violation, on one of these roads, a skilled traffic attorney can help you fight your ticket.
In the majority of traffic cases in Newburgh, NY, you will not be required to appear in court. I am attorney Jonathan D. Katz and I will represent you in Newburgh Town Court and negotiate with the prosecutor and/or police officer on your behalf. I have been successfully defending clients against traffic tickets in courts in Orange County, Ulster County and throughout New York for more than 36 years. Whether you’ve been cited for speeding, failure to yield or driving with a revoked license, I know how to get tickets downgraded and dismissed in Newburgh, NY.
Traffic Charges in Orange County, NYI have more than 36 years of experience assisting NY clients charged with:
- Speeding
- High-Speed Tickets
- Driving with a Suspended or Revoked License
- Driving without a License
- Driving without Insurance
- Handheld Cell Phone Tickets
- Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Violations
- Running a Red Light
- Illegal Lane Changes
- Failure to Yield
- Faulty Equipment
- Repeat Offenses
- Other Traffic Violations
- Pre-Trial Negotiations: As soon as we discuss your case, I will begin strategizing ways to help you beat your traffic ticket. Prior to trial in Newburgh Town Court, I will negotiate with the prosecutor and the police officer who ticketed you to reduce the charges against you. Negotiations to reduce charges typically take place the day of the hearing, before the start of the trial. Many times, the person I will negotiate with is the police officer. If I am able to get the charges dismissed, or reduced to a non-moving violation like improper parking, it could spare you from getting points on your license. If the charge is particularly serious, such as excessive speeding, I will try to get the charge reduced to a lesser offense so that you don’t lose your driver’s license and your insurance rates don’t go up. Sometimes, it’s possible to get multiple traffic charges merged into a single charge, which also reduces the number of points and amount of fines.
- Trial: If a plea deal cannot be reached and your case goes to trial, rest assured that I will be prepared to challenge the evidence and defend you in Newburgh Town Traffic Court. My unique understanding of prosecutorial strategy in traffic cases, as well as my experience in local courts throughout Orange County, NY, gives me an edge when I fight your traffic ticket because I can make arguments that another lawyer might not know how to make. Whether the police officer made a mistake in their official report, the road you were driving on had unsafe conditions or the police officer fails to provide adequate testimony in court, I know how to challenge your ticket and help you win in court.
If you’ve been cited for a traffic violation in Newburgh, NY, it is imperative that you take the charges very seriously. A traffic conviction for speeding, illegal lane change or driving without insurance could have severe consequences that stay with you for a very long time. Jonathan D. Katz, Esq. has 36 years of experience defending clients in traffic courts throughout New York, including Orange County and Ulster County. Call me day or night at (866) 265-0222 to discuss your traffic ticket or schedule a consultation at my office in Saugerties, NY.