Traffic Ticket Lawyer in Mount Hope, NY

Mount Hope Town
11 Baker Street
PO Box 872
Otisville, NY 10963
Mount Hope is a town located in the northwestern section of Orange County, NY. Route 211 is the major roadway that runs through Mount Hope. If you were ticketed for a moving violation on Route 211, or on any other road in Mount Hope, NY, speak with an experienced traffic lawyer immediately. I am traffic violations lawyer Jonathan D. Katz and I will fight your traffic ticket in Mount Hope, NY.
Before pleading guilty to a traffic violation in Mount Hope, NY, speak with an experienced attorney. Even a minor traffic violation could have negative consequences for your driving record, resulting in suspension of your driver’s license and higher insurance premiums. That’s why it is vital that you speak with an experienced traffic lawyer before you make any final decisions in your case.
Patrol officers can make mistakes and radar equipment is occasionally flawed. I will look over the details of your traffic stop and determine whether you can challenge the traffic stop or the evidence against you. With a knowledgeable attorney on your side, you may be able to get your charges dismissed or downgraded to a non-moving violation, saving you points on your license and reducing the potential for costly fines.
Traffic Offenses in Orange County, NYI have more than 36 years of experience defending clients against NY traffic charges, including:
- Speeding
- High-Speed Tickets
- Driving with a Suspended or Revoked License
- Driving without a License
- Driving without Insurance
- Handheld Cell Phone Tickets
- Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Violations
- Running a Red Light
- Illegal Lane Changes
- Failure to Yield
- Faulty Equipment
- Repeat Offenses
- Other Traffic Violations
Pre-Trial Plea Discussions: I have 36 years of experience fighting for the rights of clients charges with serious traffic violations in New York traffic courts. I have a reputation for winning in court, which makes it easier for me to negotiate with local prosecutors and police officers who respect my abilities as a litigator.
I will take a close look at the evidence in your case and determine whether a mistake was made, whether it involves the officer lacking probable cause to stop your vehicle in the first place or the radar gun being in need of maintenance. Depending on the circumstances of your case, I may be able to get the charges dropped or reduced so that you avoid the most serious penalties for a traffic offense.
- Fight the Charges at Trial: If your case does go to trial, you will want an experienced traffic attorney on your side. I provide a first-rate defense against traffic charges and I am a tenacious litigant in the courtroom. If your case goes to trial in Mount Hope Town Court, I will challenge the evidence against you and argue vigorously on your behalf.
If you do not have a knowledgeable attorney on your side when you contest your traffic charges in Mount Hope Traffic Court, you will be at risk of serious penalties, including points on your driver’s license, suspension of your license and even jail time, depending on the circumstances of your case. Moreover, Mount Hope traffic officers often issue multiple-point violations to drivers on the same ticket, which exposes you to license suspension or revocation, as well as higher insurance premiums.
Contact an Experienced Mount Hope, NY Traffic Ticket AttorneyIt’s no fun having to deal with a speeding ticket, or any other traffic charge, in Mount Hope Traffic Court. You could wind up with points on your license, higher insurance rates and even a jail sentence, depending on the nature of the traffic violation. Moreover, if you accrue too many points on your license, you could lose your driving privileges in New York. That’s why you need to contact Jonathan D. Katz, Esq., an experienced traffic lawyer with the legal knowhow to help you fight your traffic charges and avoid penalties. Call me today at (866) 265-0222 to discuss your traffic case or schedule a consultation at my office in Saugerties, New York.