Traffic Ticket Lawyer in Monroe Village, NY

Monroe Village Court
7 Stage Road
Monroe, NY 10950
Monroe is a small village that is part of the Town of Monroe in Orange County, NY. Major roadways that run through the Village of Monroe include US Highway 6 and NY Routes 17 and 17M. If you were ticketed for speeding on one of these roads, or on any other road in Monroe Village, NY, an experienced traffic attorney may be able to help you fight your ticket.
A traffic charge in Monroe Village, NY does not necessarily require you to show up for a court date. An experienced traffic lawyer can help you fight your ticket so you avoid the most serious penalties. When I represent you in Monroe Village Traffic Court on your behalf, I will carry 36 years of experience handling traffic cases in Orange County, Ulster County and throughout New York. Whether you received a ticket for speeding, driving without insurance or any other traffic violation, I will vigorously defend you against the charges.
Types of Traffic Charges in Orange County, NYI stand up for clients facing traffic charges every day in Orange County, NY courtrooms. I have successfully represented Monroe Village residents, other NY drivers and out-of-state drivers who were pulled over for speeding while driving through New York. I can defend you against any traffic charge, including:
- Speeding
- High-Speed Tickets
- Driving with a Suspended or Revoked License
- Driving without a License
- Driving without Insurance
- Handheld Cell Phone Tickets
- Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Violations
- Running a Red Light
- Illegal Lane Changes
- Failure to Yield
- Faulty Equipment
- Repeat Offenses
- Other Traffic Violations
Do not plead guilty to a traffic charge in Monroe Village, New York without first consulting an experienced NY traffic lawyer. A guilty plea to any moving violation in NY may have serious consequences, including:
- The Monroe Village Court will notify the New York Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), which will then put the conviction on your driving record. Even if you are an out-of-state driver, you will be subject to points, surcharges and other penalties when you return to your home state.
- The Monroe Traffic Court judge will probably impose fines, penalties and other court costs. I know how difficult it can be to pay an expensive traffic ticket while also dealing with a hike in insurance rates, so I always do everything in my power to help get my clients’ traffic offenses dismissed or reduced.
- Your insurance company may raise your insurance premiums or drop you from coverage entirely.
- You could have your New York driver’s license suspended or revoked.
I provide strong advocacy to each of my clients because I believe every client deserves a top-notch defense. I always take the time to make myself available to clients, so you can reach me day or night to discuss your case and go over your available legal options. Depending on the type of traffic violation, the evidence in your case and the factual circumstances of your traffic stop, I may be able to raise legal and factual defenses on your behalf in court.
Pre-Trial Negotiations in Monroe Village Traffic CourtIf you have been charged with a traffic offense in Monroe Village Traffic Court, it might be possible to negotiate a favorable deal without ever having to go to trial. I will speak with the police officer who ticketed you and/or the prosecutor and try to work out an arrangement that results in your traffic charges being dismissed or significantly reduced. I have successfully negotiated many positive plea agreements, including:
- Dismissal of improper or unprovable traffic charges
- Reduced charges to a lesser offense such as a non-moving violation
- Reduced charges to a traffic violation with fewer points
- Merging of multiple tickets into a single traffic offense
A traffic conviction in Monroe Village, Monroe Town or anywhere else in Orange County, New York could have serious consequences, including heavy fines, points on your license, higher insurance rates and even jail time. That’s why it is imperative that you contact Jonathan D. Katz, Esq., an attorney with 36 years of experience defending clients against traffic charges in Orange County, Ulster County and everywhere else in NY. Call me today at (866) 265-0222 to discuss your traffic charges or schedule a consultation at my office in Saugerties, NY.